My Portfolio

I am passionate about creating spaces in which people feel at home. What makes a space truly a home? Is it really buying a bunch of generic stuff from your local superstore? Filling your home up with more things we think are updated? Or is it finding contentment in what you have and what you love, finding creative solutions to your space’s problems and needs, repurposing things once loved by you and others? 

Here are just a few examples of how I can help you reclaim your space, and turn it into a home you love

Room Transformations

Switching Bedrooms

When making over a small space, make a list of your must-haves and see if there is a way to combine two or more requirements into one space. By raising the bed and putting drawers underneath it instead of putting a separate dresser in for this small bedroom makeover, we saved SO much room and made this space feel wide open and happy.

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